Level 4 – Clear Blocks to Wealth and Luxury

Create wealth and luxury in your life for yourself and to support others.

    • Is something holding you back from enjoying wealth and luxury?
    • Do you feel that you don’t deserve wealth and luxury?
    • Are you ready to break through your glass ceiling to welcome wealth and luxury into your life?

The Live Classes were fantastic and saw our group frequency and vibration rise beyond 100%.

Purchase the course to listen to the recordings and be notified of future integration sessions


The price was to be $5,000 for this advanced course, and then the opportunity to pay it forward became clear.

The price is now in 3 stages:
Stage 1: $997 upfront.
Stage 2: $1,000 when you obtain more than $10,000 in additional cash from doing the course.
Stage 3: $10,000 when you obtain more than $100,000 in additional cash from doing the course.

All additional monies are based on an honour system, and will be donated to the Visionaries of Light to be used for future scholarships to those in need.

Visionaries of Light Ekklesiastical Foundation was founded to support, promote and facilitate spiritual awakening and the raising of human consciousness.

Do you have blocks around Wealth and Luxury?

These special weekly 75 minute classes identifies AND clears conscious and unconscious sabotages and blocks stopping you from being wealthy and attracting luxury in your life.

These beliefs, attitudes, and sabotages have developed over time causing illusory limitations.

Barry explores these with clear statements which will identify them to be unblocked so you can move forward in gratitude, being pleased to not only receive wealth and luxury, and also to be able to help others more.

All in balance.

Each week, we look at specific aspects of money flow

Course Content

1. Introduction

Week 1. Tribal Abundance

Clear blocks to family and global beliefs around wealth and luxury

Week 2. Relationship Abundance

Clear blocks to relationships that have an affect on wealth and luxury

Week 3. Personal Abundance

Clear blocks to accepting and deserving wealth and luxury

Week 4. Heart Abundance

Clear blocks to having wealth and luxury AND STILL come from heart space

Week 5. Will Abundance

Clear blocks to surrendering to more wealth and luxury

Week 6. Intuitive Abundance

Clear blocks to intuitive flow of wealth and luxury

Week 7. Divine Abundance

Clear blocks to accepting more wealth and luxury from the universe for yourself and others

Presented By Barry Auchettl

M.Ed. B.Bus. Grad.Dip.R.E.

Barry Auchettl is a Life Visionary who has transformed his life through raising his own Vibration (inner world) and Frequency (outer world) using kinesiology and his own unique energy method called Light Body Alignment.  He now supports people around the world including identifing and  clearing sabotages and fears to enable them to reach new levels of both Vibration and Frequency.

He is the creator of Conversations: an inspirational game, producer of Vision 2020: from eyesight to insight and author of several books including Improve My Eyes, The Scan Charts and the number one best seller, One Vision.

Contact us…
Rev Barry Auchettl

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You have lifetime access!