The Vision Pulse

Hello Vision School Community,

In this edition of The Vision Pulse, you will see an overview of an exciting array of beautifully designed upcoming classes and courses! The classes include Clear Blocks to Making Money from Your Life’s Purpose and Clear Blocks to Eyesight. Plus, deepen your connections with The Conversations Game! Also, mark your calendars for the Life Vision Mentoring inquiry classes which lead up to the launch of our Life Vision Mentoring program beginning in July! Click on the links below to explore dates, times, and more details.

Together we create a powerful force for change as we unite in our mission to make a difference!

Message from Barry.

Upcoming Vision School Opportunities

Conversations Game

Conversations is an interactive board game designed to develop and enhance all our relationships through engagement and genuine dialogue. This is achieved through authentic speaking, emphatic listening, and heart-spaced connection. Join us for an hour of connection as we play the conversation game together.

Date – May 9 at 5:00 pm EDT/May 10 at 9:00 am NZST 

Sign up here 

Donations gratefully received.

Life Vision Mentoring Inquiry Class

Are you ready to unlock your full potential and manifest the life you desire? This class is designed to answer all your questions and offer you more information about this life changing program. It is a six-month advanced life transformation course. In Life Vision Mentoring you will be supported by a dedicated group of like-minded friends as you move through the glass ceiling you have created.

The intent of this course is to transform your life by raising your personal vibration (inner consciousness) and your frequency in the world (outer manifestation) to levels you never knew were possible. You get to open your eyes to a world of wealth, fulfilling relationships, and boundless abundance by liberating yourself from both conscious and unconscious barriers that hinder your journey to greatness.

With ‘Life Vision Mentoring’ you also get a business coach, a life coach, and a personal mentor all in one, and even a buddy to help keep you accountable!
Reach out to or use the contact form to set up a complimentary 15-minute consultation to discover if this transformative program is your next empowering step!

Mentoring for your Soul Ebook

Dates  – May 30 and June 13 at 5:00 pm EDT/May 31 and June 14 at 9:00 am NZST

Clear Blocks to Making Money From Your Life’s Purpose

Would you like to make money from your life’s purpose? Unlock the secrets to aligning your passion with prosperity! Join this transformative class designed to clear the path to monetizing your soul’s purpose. Say goodbye to limiting beliefs and hello to abundance as you embark on a journey to live authentically and lucratively.

Sign up here.

Date – May 23 at 5:00 pm EDT/May 24 at 9:00 am NZST

Clear Blocks to Eyesight

Unlock the secrets to natural vison improvement and take control of your own eyesight in this life changing class. Join Barry as he explores beliefs and clears blocks related to vision. In just one hour, you will boost your confidence and embark on a journey of self-discovery and vision enhancement!

More details to come.

Date – June 6 at 5:00 pm EDT/June 7 at 9:00 am NZST

Life Vision Mentoring Program

The next round of Life Vision Mentoring, a 6-month advanced life transformation program, begins July 8th. It transforms your life by raising your personal vibration (inner consciousness) and your frequency in the world (outer manifestation). Are you ready to unlock your full potential and manifest the life you desire? Ready to break free from the ordinary to the extraordinary? If you want to take the leap and watch as the universe conspires to make your wildest dreams come true this program is for you! Reach out to or use the contact form to set up a complimentary 15-minute consultation to discover if this transformative program is your next empowering step!

Date – July 8 at 5:00 pm EDT/July 9 at 9:00 am NZST 

Global Vision Mentoring

Global Vision Mentoring is an ongoing life transformation program that maintains the evolution from Life Vision Mentoring. There are now new higher vibrational levels available above infinity that allow us to manifest faster than was known even a few years ago.

In Global Vision Mentoring you can be supported by a dedicated group of like-minded, high vibing friends as you continue to raise your vibration and frequency to levels you never knew were possible with the intention of expanding your reach globally and beyond!

Life Vision Mentoring is a prerequisite.

More details to come.

Dates – May 14th 5:00pm EDT (USA) May 15th 9:00am AZST (New Zealand)

Vision School Retreat

Join Barry for a time of transformation and rejuvenation, where he will support us as we reset, refresh, and break through barriers holding us back from our true potential. It is an opportunity to connect with like-minded souls in meaningful and inspiring ways. Watch for more details as the event draws near.

More details to come.

Dates – September 30th -Oct 1st 4:00pm-8:00 pm EDT (USA) October 1st -October 2nd 9:00am-1:00am NZST (New Zealand) 

I started my journey with Barry in 2020, shortly after I made the difficult decision to close down the hypnosis school I was running and while the pandemic lockdown was still in effect. I was simultaneously grieving the loss of the school, feeling the uncertainty of what the future could be and completely open to the next stage of life. I was free! Free from past obligations and responsibilities, but free to do what and go where? I started on my vision. As The Clear Blocks to Better Vision and Empower Your Vision programs came to an end, I found myself dreaming about a vacation for the first time in as long as I could remember. I was open to living and enjoying life again. Oh, and my eyesight was brighter, and colors were more vivid. I joined the Life Vision Mentoring program.

During the next year, many blocks were cleared personally and tribally, and I found myself in a dynamic, global community. My lone wolf “I work alone” pattern transformed into claiming my place in several groups. I reclaimed my leadership for my life and began living in synchronicity with the universe. My manifestations started coming so quickly that I was shocked and delighted. I would ask the universe to show off and it did. By continuously raising my frequency and vibration and finding my greatest flow in vortex, my life turned into a partnership with the universe.

Barry continued to push me back onto the spiritual stage and arena by inviting me to be a part of The Vision School. I became a teacher again and shared the Dare To Lead work by Brene Brown and griefwork by the Grief Recovery Institute. We ran the Miracles Retreat which healed my past issues of collaborating with others to create workshops. As a Vision School mentor, I became part of growing a community where individuals transform and expand out into the world with their light. The journey continues.

Claudia Autry

I have such deep gratitude for The Vision School as it has changed my life in the most unimaginable ways. When I entered The Life Vision Mentoring Program, I felt scattered, stuck, and limited in many areas of life. Life Vision Mentoring helped me clear blocks and old patterns that had been clouding my vision and inhibiting my soul from fulling its true purpose.

Barry is a great and gifted healer, as are Heather and Claudia. Their healing gifts pared with a beautiful program along with the community I gained with other participants in Life Vision Mentoring and Global Vision Mentoring are my most cherished. I have remembered my soul’s purpose. My soul has come forward and I feel in alignment, empowered, and in oneness.

As I embody the truth of oneness, I am continually reminded of the great power Source that is inside of me. That IS me. I can create the greatest life I can imagine and attune to the infinite supply of everything that Divine abundance is always giving me. AND so can every single person on the planet if they wish! The shifts I have experienced from lack to infinite supply are simply magic and a miracle. Business partnerships have been effortlessly created and I am stepping forward to be a Life Vision Mentor!

I believe The Vision School and its community is and will continue to be a major player in the transformation of this planet. It’s my life’s passion to continue this shared journey to raise the vibration and frequency of our world, by walking along side others encouraging them to connect to the Light within and supporting them as they remember their soul’s unique purpose and their highest, limitless, and most abundant potential!

Jenna Murph


Special Bonus Class – Clear Blocks to Passion

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